Preparing Notifications for Transfer Pricing Transactions

In accordance with Section V.I of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, companies must notify tax authorities of the controlled transactions concluded thereby. The Federal Tax Inspectorate carries out special transfer pricing tax inspections envisaging fines for the use of prices other than arm’s length prices.

Experienced Unicon Outsourcing specialists will process the information regarding the controlled transactions concluded by your company during the year.

You can feel comfortable about this area of your business: excellent qualifications of Unicon Outsourcing specialists have been certified by their ranking among Russia’s top tax consulting companies in World Tax 2020. Moreover, Unicon Group has been named among Russia’s leading companies in the field of transfer pricing according to World Transfer Pricing 2020 issued by International Tax Review.

Transfer Pricing Accountancy Services


Advice As To Whether It’s Transfer Pricing Needs To Be Reported


Analyzing Transactions Concerning Whether They Are Related-Party


Preparing Notifications On Related-Party Transactions


Preparing Files For Notification Of Tax Authorities Via E-Communication Channels

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Our solutions are not suitable for individual entrepreneurs and STS eligible companies
Our solutions are not suitable for individual entrepreneurs and STS eligible companies.

Why preparing notifications on related-party transactions at Unicon Outsourcing

Peak Load Decreased

We will help you during the peak load period and relieve you from additional expenses on hiring temporary workers

Tax Risks Minimized

Our public liability is insured by Ingosstrah Insurance, so we may reimburse our customers for penalty fees if they are caused by Unicon Outsourcing’s errors

Reliability and Experience

Over the past few years, Unicon Outsourcing has prepared upwards of 12,000 notifications on related-party transactions

Zuzanna Begova

CEO at Kokoon LLC

“Unicon Outsourcing has proved itself as a reliable and consistent partner with their flexible approach towards the customer’s needs, exceptional promptness and reliability. All works are executed on time, within the stipulated terms, and at due quality level”

Success stories

Financial, tax and HR accountancy


End-to-end accountancy and HR services, Chief Accountant service


Accountancy services, payroll calculation and HR services

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  1. Unicon Outsourcing
  2. Financial and Management Accounting
  3. Preparing Notifications for Transfer Pricing Transactions
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