Background Checks on Business Partners
Checking business partners is a mandatory part of activities of any company if it wants to successfully pass an audit by Tax Inspectorate.

Working with bad faith suppliers threatens businesses with problems such as refusal to refund VAT, denial of recognition of expenses for revenue tax purposes, or even accusation of obtaining an unjustified tax benefit.

Experienced accountants and lawyers of Unicon Outsourcing will help you verify your business partners and mitigate risks for your company.

Minimize company risks

Recognizing a contract invalid. If one of your counterparties turned out to be unreliable, we will help you quickly terminate the contract and avoid possible fines.

When working with a bad faith supplier, there’s risk of failure to have the work properly done or to meet the established deadlines, or refusal to return an advance payment.

When working with a bad faith buyer, there’s risk of failure to receive payment, or the risk to receive claims to return an advance payment.

Damage to reputation, accusations of being involved in corrupt schemes, or money laundering.

If a sham company is your supplier, it may refuse to reimburse VAT or to recognize expenses for revenue tax purposes.

If a sham company is your buyer, you run the risk of having to pay revenue tax or VAT based on the settlement method, while tax authorities calculate your income in accordance with Para 2, Art. 31 of the Tax Code.

Unicon Outsourcing provides the following services to perform a background check on your business partners:


We develop rules and regulations on checking business partners

It must become part of the corporate accounting policy.


We regularly run checks on existing suppliers, as even long-time and reliable suppliers may become unreliable over time

For example, a company may have been sold, it may have changed owners, it may now have pledged property, or be under bankruptcy proceedings.


We run checks on your new business partners

It keep you safe from signing a contract with a sham company.


We defend client's interestd in Tax Inspectorate in case any questions arise

We don't leave clients in a difficult situation and usually prove righteousness of our decisions.

Service cost

Service   Cost, rub.
 Full background check on one business partner  4 000
 Simplified background check on one business partner  2 200
 Checking the changings in details   1 250

Full background check includes 43 items and simplified background check includes 22 items on the checklist.

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Our solutions are not suitable for individual entrepreneurs and STS eligible companies
Our solutions are not suitable for individual entrepreneurs and STS eligible companies.

The checks on business partners depend on the size of their business or the size of a transaction

This allows our clients to streamline their costs and receive an adequate amount of information required for decision-making.

Small business partners

We check: actual existence of a company, the validity of TINs and certificates, the receipt of requested documents.

Average business partners

We check: actual existence of a company, the validity of TINs and certificates, the receipt of requested documents, statutory documents, absence of fake founders or executives.

Large business partners

We check: actual existence of a company, the validity of TINs and certificates, the receipt of requested documents, statutory documents, absence of fake founders or executives, data from open sources (court cases, bankruptcies, enforcement proceedings, etc.), Information from specialized paid databases (SPARK, etc.), we analyze collected information and reporting data.

Advantages of running background checks on your business partners with Unicon Outsourcing


After thorough background checks conducted by specialists of Unicon Outsourcing, you will escape unpleasant dealings with Tax Inspectorate and will be secured against unreliable partners


You can devote time of your employees to more urgent and crucial tasks while our specialist conduct all necessary checks

Knowledge and experience

We have a dedicated department of methodologists who constantly monitor changes in legislation and its interpretations, as well as judicial practices. Also, we are in charge of dealing with the Tax Inspectorate regarding all issues.

Our cases

Financial, tax and HR accountancy


End-to-end accountancy and HR services, Chief Accountant service


Accountancy services, payroll calculation and HR services

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  3. Background Checks on Business Partners
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