- Errors of the current client’s provider (incorrect payroll and leave balance calculation, lack of primary personnel documents)
- Lack of policies for monitoring compliance with the Labour Code of the Russian Federation
- After transition to the service there was a merger of companies, which required to maintain 2 separate accounting records within the same legal entity
- Automated preparation of HR documents
Implementation of control over the use of leaves by employees
Function maintenance cost optimisation
Analysis of the company expenses to identify cases of overpayment to the budget
- The company transfer from SAP to 1C ZUP 2.5. followed by implemented Unicon Outsourcing solution “1C Personal Account” for managers to control maintaining of employees’ individual schedules and timesheets, generation of requests for overtime work and work at weekends
- Fully electronic and automated timesheet accounting Configured reports for managers for correct calculation of employees’ overtime work
- Configured electronic leave schedule to analyse the leave balance + individual mailing of notifications of the upcoming leave (according to the approved schedule) to employees
- Implemented merging of databases of merged legal entities with further individual accounting for 2 subdivisions (including separate accounting according to different algorithms)
- Eliminated risks of labour legislation violations. Corrected errors of invalid registration and payment for business trips (recalculated for the recent years), incorrect calculation of average earnings, years-long failure to provide leaves to employees
- The risk of errors in overwork and overhours calculation reduced to 0 (a fine – RUB 50 thousand for each employee)
- 30% optimisation of function costs due to HR process automation
- 20% reduction of time required to prepare reports for the Finance Department. Division of analytics by subdivisions for management accounting purposes
- Refund of over RUB 8.5 mln for a fine imposed due to the technical error of the IFTS. Filing a complaint to the IFTS Main Department, reconciliation, preparation of an action plan to correct the error together with the IFTS and monitoring the task execution
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