15.03.2021 BDO Unicon Outsourcing’s ISO 9001 RenewedWe has successfully passed the audit for compliance with the requirements “Quality Management System”.
15.01.2021 Audit of compliance with SSAE 18 / ISAE 3402 standardsBDO Unicon Outsourcing passes external audit under SSAE 18 / ISAE 3402 standards.
11.09.2020 BDO Unicon Outsourcing Presents Its HR Bot for Viber UsersThe HR bot helps employees gain fast access to the information they need, and reduces the workload for the HR and accounting departments by up to 20%.
08.07.2020 BDO Unicon Outsourcing: the Leader in Bookkeeping and Tax AccountingBDO Unicon Outsourcing has become the leader in bookkeeping and tax accounting, according to RAEX ranking.
11.06.2020 BDO Unicon Outsourcing is among the Major Outsourcing CompaniesKommersant Publishing House and RAEX Rating Agency ranked BDO Unicon Outsourcing second.
10.06.2020 Workday and RoskomnadzorBDO Unicon Outsourcing held an online meeting: Workday and Roskomnadzor. How not to Violate the Federal Law On Personal Data when Working with the System.
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