- The client kept management accounting data in several Excel files, which made it difficult to collect information for budgeting
- Most of the client’s costs are accounted for by the payroll, which is managed by various budgeting systems: annual, quarterly, and actual budgets
- Automation of data acquisition for budgeting and management accounting
- Transfer of the client from ZUP (Payroll and HR) 2.5 to ZUP 3.1 to implement the budgeting module. Performance of parallel calculations in course of transition
- Implementing the budgeting and management accounting module based on 1C: Payroll and HR. Building a project team of Unicon Outsourcing programmers, customers and company representatives responsible for enterprise management accounting organisation and automation based on 1C
- Configured data synchronisation between systems: uploading data from the client’s corporate system into 1C and uploading budgeting results from 1C into the client’s software
- System testing and checking the correctness of customised budgeting methodology
- Project engineering support
- Accounting for all the company’s expenses in a single system. Provided ability to collect expenses with a breakdown by projects, assign indirect costs to various projects. Uploading the final payroll generated following the calculations results (with due account for PIT) into the client’s corporate system
- 50% reduction in time for budget generation and protection due to automated data keeping and collection in 1C
- Up to 100% increase in data reliability due to exclusion of manual file generation as well as due to automatic accounting for payroll and personnel changes in the 1C system
- In 5 months, all the client’s legal entities have been transferred from 1С ZUP 2.5 to ZUP 3.1
- In 4 months, the budgeting module has been implemented in full, which includes all stages of database analysis, terms of reference preparation, module implementation and system functional testing
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