The client has a large number of employees working part-time, while data on 3 legal entities were kept in different databases, which led to the need to fill in a number of documents in 3 counterparts
Transition of the company from the BOSS-Kadrovik system in 1C
Automated preparation of HR documents
Payroll calculation
Data transfer to the ZUP 3.1., including HR history (documents on the admission, transfer, dismissal of employees, information on vacations, sick leaves, and absences)
Refinement of the 1C functionality for daily postings to be transferred to the client
Configuration of print forms (about 40 documents and 30 reports)
Training of employees from the client’s personnel department to work with the ZUP 3.1 system
3 times reduced labour intensity of entering information on part-time employees. Copies of documents and orders for other legal entities of the client are generated in the system at the click of a button
The risks of errors and discrepancies reduced to 0, thanks to the database consolidation in the ZUP 3.1
The database and HR history were transferred to the ZUP 3.1, print forms of documents were set up, for 10 months
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