Automated preparation of HR documents
Unicon Outsourcing’s “1C Personal Account” solution based on ZUP 3.1 with electronic HR document turnover support implemented
Automated process of filing HR applications: for changing personal data, vacations, business trips, overtime work, time-offs, etc. The process of submitting and signing applications is electronic using a simple (employee’s) and qualified (manager’s) electronic signatures
Automated timesheet accounting. Reports set up for the correct calculation of employees' overtime
Configured electronic schedule of employees’ leaves for leave balance analysis.

Function costs optimised by 30% due to HR process automation and by 20% due to HR electronic document flow (rejection of paper documents, reduction of record storage spaces)
The risk of erroneous overwork calculation and violations of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation (a fine of RUB 50 thousand for each employee) reduced to 0
“1C Personal Account” completely deployed in ZUP 3.1 for 3 months
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