BDO outsourcing division took part “Business Solutions”, which was held in Moscow on 16 November by the agency “Fort-Ross.”
At the forum, heads of major Russian and international companies discussed methods and technologies to improve efficiency in business management. The participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with real practices and success stories from different fields - outsourcing, IT, finance, human resource management.
Alexei Prysyazhnyuk, General Director of the investment company “Group Prysyazhnyuk. Investment Management”, spoke abour his experience of cooperation with BDO and the outsourcing of accounting services and payroll processing as a tool to optimize expenses and reduce risks in the company.
In his opinion, business process outsourcing is an essential tool helping to reduce costs, focus on developing the core business and reduce the risks faced by an entrepreneur in Russia today. In an environment of rapidly changing human resource and tax laws, harsh policies for payment of fines applied by the Federal Tax Service, as well the existing risk of bureaucratic arbitrariness, the outsourcing of accounting services allows a manager to insure himself and his company against many unpleasant surprises and to maintain confidence in the future.
In his speech, Alexei also mentioned several myths that inhibit the development of outsourcing in Russia. According to the director of investment company “Group Prysyazhnyuk”, many business owners have been slow to transfer control of non-core business processes to an external provider, for fear of losing complete control over all processes, leaks of information, etc. However, according to Alexei Prysyazhnyuk, a large outsourcing company, protecting its responsibility and taking care of its good name, is much a more reliable performer than even your own employees, because they do not bear any responsibility for possible mistakes and negligence. “We constantly use outsourcing in our own daily lives”, said Alexei, “You are not afraid to leave your children with a new babysitter, and after a pleasant evening, you can safely get into a taxi which is driven by someone unknown to you. You trust the most valuable things in your life to these people. So why are you so afraid to outsource secondary business processes to an outsourcing provider, so that you can focus on growing the core business of your company?”
Mr. Prysyazhnyuk pointed out the main criteria for choosing an outsourcing company that guided his choice of a supplier. The main requirement is to find a provider amongst the leaders of the market, responsiveness, and always, customer liability insurance.
In closing, Alex Prysyazhnyuk expressed satisfaction with the quality of BDO’s accounting services and noted that its employees always sought to find common ground with the client and an optimal solution for all parties. “They listen and hear”, said the General Director of ‘Group Prysyazhnyuk’- and so I am confident that together we can handle any challenges.”
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