BDO has won a prize at Payroll World Awards 2016. Every year, companies that have achieved the most outstanding results in projects related to payroll calculation are nominated for the awards. This prestigious award signifies the recognition of experience and expertise of BDO members on an international scale.
BDO offices are present in 154 countries worldwide. BDO Unicon Outsourcing, which operates in Russia and former Soviet republics, is one of the BDO network’s leaders in terms of the number of processed customer pay sheets.
“BDO Unicon Outsourcing specialists render payroll calculation services to companies of any size, from 10 to 15,000 of manpower, and prepares upwards of 430,000 pay sheets every year. We’re excited that the Russia-based office has significantly contributed in obitaining the award, and has once again shared the global success of BDO group,” Sergei Tiunov, the managing partner of BDO Unicon Outsourcing, commented.
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