23.11.2021 Electronic HR documentsChanges have been made to the Labour Code of the Russian Federation regarding electronic document management in the field of labour relations for all categories of employees.
21.10.2021 Non-working days form October 30 till November 7By the Decree of the President of the RF of 20.10.2021 No 595 the days from October 30 to November 7, 2021 inclusive are declared as non-working days.
21.10.2021 Regime of restrictions and regulations of the procedure for organizing work processesOn October 19, 2021, the Mayor of Moscow amended his decree of June 8, 2020 No. 68-UM
23.09.2021 BDO Unicon to relaunch its historical nameFrom 1 October 2021, the BDO Unicon Group of companies will officially change its name to Unicon.
28.05.2021 BDO Unicon Outsourcing Confirmed Its Market Leader StatusBDO Unicon Outsourcing was ranked second according to RAEX rating agency.
07.04.2021 BDO Unicon Outsourcing Secures SOC 1 ReportWe passed the audit of the payroll service internal control system.
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